Cow Manure

Are you in need of cow manure for your farm or paddock? Based out of the Finley and Berrigan region of New South Wales, McNaughts is a family-owned transport, grain and fertilizer business. We have expertise in both large-scale and one-on-one projects across eastern Australia.

We offer a range of services to satisfy all your cropping and horticulture needs. In addition to bulk bags and loads, we also have ideal custom blends with various nutrients, can add chemicals to fertilizer for treating purposes and supply a loader directly to your paddock.

If it’s cow manure that you need, we can deliver our nutrient-rich cow manure compost directly to you.

What Is Cow Manure Compost?

Cow manure compost is a fertiliser made up of digested grass and grain. Composted cow manure is mainly used for lawns, fruit trees, maize, cereal and cotton crops. Our cow manure is rich in nutrients and high in organic materials, making it an excellent option for your soil.

Cow manure compost is great for fertilizing soil and improving crop quality. It also reduces the environmental effects of cow waste, which contributes to carbon dioxide emissions. By using our cow manure blend as fertilizer on your soil, you can benefit tremendously from healthier soil and an increase in crop yield.

McNaughts’ Cow Manure Fertilizer

We competitively source from multiple suppliers and wholesalers to give you the best quality products. The result is a cow manure fertilizer that is eco-friendly and meets all your farming needs.

McNaughts’ Solutions with Cow Manure 

For all your cropping needs, McNaughts’ bulk freight transport service can deliver our top-quality cow manure directly to you. If you are not sure of how to use the product to maximise crop growth, we also offer fertilizer blending and spreading services.

It is also important to note that you cannot simply take the organic matter and spread it across your soil to instantly see results. The manure needs to be cured before it can be used as a fertilizer.

Other Agricultural Products for You

We offer a range of additional agricultural products to significantly improve crop yield. Whichever agricultural and horticultural issue you may have, we’ve got a solution. Be sure to look at other agricultural products we have on offer, such as:

  • Biofertilizer – increases the supply of nutrients that are necessary for plant growth.  Great for seeds, plant surfaces and soil.
  • Chicken Manure – comes in four different grades: Auto Nest, Avenue Breeder, Breeder Manure, and Broiler Manure.

For any enquiries related to agricultural products, transport or grain storage, contact us today! Our friendly team of experts are always happy to help.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It can take anywhere from three to six months for cow manure to compost.

When prepared and looked after properly, your compost will not smell foul. It will smell earthy and be crumbly to the touch.

Manure is typically alkaline or basic and has a pH between 8-12.