Chicken Manure

In need of chicken manure compost for your farm? McNaughts is a family-owned grain storage, transport and fertilizer company that offers high-quality chicken manure products for your soil. By sourcing from the best manufacturers and wholesalers, McNaughts provides top-quality products for all your agricultural needs.

We can deliver bulk chicken manure loads directly to your farm or paddock with our impressive fleet of Singles, B-Doubles and Road Trains. We can apply variable rates to provide you with a targeted application of fertilizer, which will result in evenly balanced nutrients across your soil.

What Is Chicken Manure Compost?

Chicken manure compost is a powerful plant and soil booster that can provide your soil with the nutrients they are lacking and increase your crop yield. Chicken manure is rich in the elements most deficient in soil, namely nitrogen, calcium, phosphorous and potassium. They are also rich in organic matter.

As one of the most commonly available nonchemical fertilizers, composted chicken manure acts as a soil amendment by slow-releasing micro and macronutrients. The high concentration of nitrogen is essential for plants’ leafy green growth.

McNaughts’ Grades of Chicken Manure Fertilizer

McNaughts’ chicken manure fertilizer is available for purchase in four grades:

G1: Auto Nest (10 – 12 months old)
G2: Avenue Breeder (7 – 9 months old)
G3: Breeder Manure (6 months old)
G4: Broiler Manure (6 – 9 weeks old)

McNaughts’ Solutions With Chicken Manure 

McNaughts’ innovative supply chain solutions include freight, transport, storage and fertilizer supply, meaning we can deliver our exceptional agricultural products directly to you. The next step to improved soil quality and exponential crop yields is only a delivery away.

We competitively source our products from the top wholesalers to meet your farming needs and also offer fertilizer spreading and blending services to maximise the nutrient balance across all of your soil.

Because fresh chicken manure is highly potent, it cannot be used in a raw state as a garden fertilizer. Using it in its raw state will quickly kill your plants. Only after allowing the manure to cure can you safely use it and reap its benefits. 

Other Agricultural Products For You

We also offer a range of additional agricultural products for all your farming needs. Whichever agricultural and horticultural issue you may have, we’ve got a solution. Be sure to look at other agricultural products we have on offer, such as:

  • Biofertilizer – great for seeds, plant surfaces and soil. Biofertilizer increases the supply of nutrients that are necessary for plant growth.
  • Cow Manure – a fertiliser made up of digested grass and grain that is rich in nutrients and high in organic materials. Mainly used for lawns, fruit trees, maize, cereal and cotton crops. 

We pride ourselves on our ability to manage both large-scale and smaller projects with the same results-driven approach. For all your agricultural, transport or grain storage needs, contact us today, and one of our dedicated team members will be happy to assist you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This heavily depends on the state of your soil. But on average, a dose of 150g per square metre is enough. Although it is better to underdose than overdose because you can always add more later if needed.

Chicken manure is the highest in nitrogen content as opposed to other manures.

Chicken manure contains phosphorus and actually contains at least twice as much phosphorous as that of other manures.